Friday, September 17, 2010

The Abbey of San Galgano

Yesterday my study abroad group was given the chance to visit the beautiful San Galgano Abbey which is considered by some one of the most beautiful places in Europe. A hermitage is located here that contains San Galgano’s tomb as well as the sword in the stone. Unlike the legend we all know of the sword in the stone, the message behind this story is one of peace. The sword was allegedly shoved into the stone by a knight trying to change his way of life. Rather than breaking, the stone swallowed up the sword and still exists there as a sign against war. That knight (Sir Galgano) then lived a peaceful life, eventually becoming a Saint on that hill. Whether or not the legend is completely accurate, it is interesting that scientists have used metal dating research to confirm that both the sword and the stone are truly from the 12th century.

The area is full of mystical legends about the history of the abbey and about the land itself. It has been said that there are areas on earth that are located in places where two magnetic planes converge (I wish I could explain that better, but I can’t.) and the abbey of San Galgano is located in one of those places. It is supposed to be beneficial in helping plants grow and to make those plants taste better. It is also supposed to be a good place to be for health in general.

I can verify that it makes everything taste better because I had the absolute best meal of my entire life that night in San Galgano. A local agriturismo made my group and I a full Italian meal. We had four courses: bruschetta & other little crustinis, risotto with truffles and some kind of herb, veal and rosemary potatoes, and torta della nonna (grandmother’s cake) which contained pine nuts and was absolutely the most delicious thing I have had in my life. And of course we drank a lot of wine from the Chianti region.

I’m not sure if it was the fact that we were at one of those special magnetic points on earth or the fact that everyone was more full and happy than we had ever been, but it was really one of those evenings where everything felt perfect. Everyone was happy, the cats were sleepy, it was all adorable. Overall, it was my favorite place in Italy so far. And that says something.

I didn't post any photos of the sword in the stone or of the hermitage itself. Both are well-known enough that anyone interested could google either. And I like photos of cats sleeping better anyway.

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