I also met my new co-workers and figured out what I will be doing. I’ll be helping make arrangements for all of the foreign students at the University here, both by making arrangements (housing, classes, etc.) behind the scenes and directly working with the students. I will definitely have to improve my conversational Italian in order to communicate with anyone. I’m happy I’ll be forced to do that.
On a different note, last night I was taught the definition of the European slang word “Glubbish”. It’s what Europeans say when they speak English but randomly throw in words or phrases from their native language. For example, one of my professors prefers to lecture in Glubbish, but he uses an extreme form of Glubbish. He switches between Italian and English sometimes from thought to thought, sometimes sentence to sentence, and sometimes he even switches from word to word. It’s the most bizarre thing to find yourself actually understanding this.
I would write longer but I have to catch a train then a flight to Barcelona for the weekend to meet up with some relatives! I’m traveling alone and need to do some train switches. Something funny is bound to happen. I’ll most likely blog about it too. So you can look forward to that.
Here are two photos I took during a trip I went on around the Chianti region with a bunch of Europeans:
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