Sunday, April 17, 2011

On the Ligurian Sea, Under the Ligurian Sun

Courbet's interpretation of the Ligurian Sea
I'm a little behind on blogging right now. These past couple weeks have been a little busy. I’ve finished midterms, started working on final papers, put my summer plans together, registered for classes in the fall, made housing plans for Colorado, and traveled around Italy with my mom and dad. I've also been running a lot, found a yoga class, and last night I went to an unbelievable modern dance performance in the Santa Maria della Scala.

There is so much I could write about, but the most important event that has happened lately was clearly my trip with my parents. Our vacation was an incredibly relaxing trip to the Italian Riviera. We made day trips to places like Milan, Lucca, and Nice on the French Riviera. Other than that we stayed on the Italian Riviera, visiting the Cinque Terre, San Margherita and Porto Fino. The final day wrapped the entire vacation up as we went to Genoa to see an art exhibit full of artists' interpretations of the area we had been during the whole vacation. It was called “Mediterraneo” featuring artists such as Van Gogh, Matisse, Courbet, and Monet among others.

I don't have enough time to do the trip justice in words.  I actually have three windows open at once right now and am writing a literature paper, writing this, and watching a Woody Allen movie at the same time.  It's not the easiest multi-tasking I've ever tried.  So here is a compilation of the trip in photos.  Enjoy!

I had such a great time and miss you both.

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